Monday, January 28, 2013

If Walls Could Talk...

It's not personal, it's business. Yes, my friend I learned this valuable lesson last week. You see two weeks ago our house went under contract. I did my very best to not get excited about it but sometimes you just can't help it. I felt like our prayers have been answered and the ball was rolling on our move to the metroplex. Last Monday and Wednesday Holt and I spend our days looking for a new house we could make a home. After seeing what felt like a 1000 homes, we found one! A perfect home, on a perfect street, in the perfect subdivision, just all around perfect. Josh met us at this house after he got off work and he agreed. So like any good second time home buyer we decided to sleep on it.... and let me tell you we are so very glad that we did. The next morning I got the call that no seller under contract wants to get and I'm sure no realtor wants to make. My sweet realtor broke the news to me as gently as she could. "They buyers have backed out." that and a migraine with a side of teething (which means very cranky) 6 month old is how my Thursday morning started. After I wrapped my head around the reason they backed out I felt offend and hurt. I have never been on this end of house selling before so of course there are lessons to learn.  I took if very personally that they did not want my house. Then I realized that to them it was just four walls and a roof. That haven't lived in the house like we have. There has been lots of life lived in this house.

The buyers didn't know that Josh and I bought this house together as a home to start our married life in. From the moment we bought it I knew that the Lord had blessed us with a home that is more then we deserve. And I made a promise to Him that our door would always be open to anyone that needed a place to rest, because we were blessed and wanted to bless others. Josh moved into this house a couple months before we were married and then I joined him after we got married. The day we got home from our honeymoon, before we even drove in to Tyler, my brother called and said that his house was hit by lightening and their electricity was out. He kindly asked if he and my sister in law could come stay in our guest room until they got everything worked out. So in they came, them and their two dogs. That my friend is how Josh and I spent our first night in our home. With 4 dogs and 2 guests. We decided from that moment on our "honeymoon" was over!  So this house has not only been a home to Josh and myself but it's been a retreat from the world for my brother and sister in law, who have moved in and out for over 3 years while she was battling cancer. 

They didn't know that this room has been a place of rest for two of the most dearest and precious  people in my life. My sweet sister in law, Lindsey and my son Holt. The Lord has done some mighty healing in this room and has saved two lives that are and will do incredible things in His name. This room has been a resting place for them.

They didn't know all the dinners that were cooked and shared in this kitchen. Or about the many conversations that were had sitting here after dinner. 

They didn't know that this "master retreat" has been a safe haven for Josh and myself. It's been a place for our love and relationship to grow. It was a place of rest for me during 30 weeks of my pregnancy. It''s seen it fair share of love, laughter and yes, some good ol arguments. 

 They didn't know as they walked in our living room of the many friends that have sat in here and laughed and just enjoyed each others company. Or the many Saturdays of just veggin and relaxing while watching football. Or the many hours of video games that have been played. They didn't how wonderful the back yard is. That when the weather is nice you can sit on the patio and eat dinner, and when it gets dark sit under the star with a fire in the fire pit. Oh the conversations that have been had out side by the fire.
They didn't know that I stood in this entry way and cried, tear of joy, the day Holt and I came home from the hospital. I stood staring at a house I hadn't seen in 4 long months and felt comfort because I was home. 

Im pretty sure that if the buyers knew what kind of home this house has been to us then they might not have walked away. I know that somewhere out there there is a family that is looking for a home just like this. And our prayer for this house has been and will continue to be that the next family to live here will fall in love and live life in this house like we have. Until then I'm going to keep reminding myself...

It's not personal, it's business.