Wednesday, May 23, 2012


This morning I had my echo of the week and a visit from the cardiologist. I am happy to say the report was good. I was told that the echo looks exactly like the echo last week and that Holt is stable. This is a great report! Thank you for all your prayers. I truly believe the hand of the Lord is holding this little boys heart. I was also given an update from the surgical board where our case was presented. Dr. Laird (cardiologist) said that everyone was in agreement that once he is born to do a balloon catheterization to get the valve open and then asses the heart to see what damage there is in the left ventricle. She explained that if there is irreversible damage then they can reroute the heart to make it a one ventricle heart (only the right one). It is a series of three surgeries and the quality of life is very high. It was a procedure first done 20 years ago and from what I understand those patients have enjoyed a long healthy life. We all know how far medicine has come in the last 20 years. It's comforting to know it's not a new procedure. Valve replacement is also still on the table. If they can't keep the valve open with just a ballon cath. then replacing the valve would be the next step. They can use a donor or animal valve. Qualitly of life with the valve replacement is good and he would be able to enjoy normal activity. Either way he will have life long follow ups with a cardiologist. So please join me in continuing to praying that his left ventricle would have no to minimal damage and would be able to function on it's own. I know that only the Lord knows what road we have to travel down and that he is in control. Thank you for your prayers! We are rejoicing today for such a good report and are taking this one day at a time!


  1. That is awesome news! We are rejoicing with you and will continue to pray for precious Holt. We love you guys!

  2. So glad to read of God's protection! Yay!

  3. Lauren, I am so glad you have your faith in God to sustain you during this difficult time. Your blog has been an inspiration & also given specifics on what to pray about for your precious Holt. I continue to think about you every day & to lift you up in prayer.
